Quality and Safety
At Inmaquip, quality is everything, from the first call until the customer is satisfied, we try to make your experience a fantastic one. Jobs well done, with first-class materials, the best human capital and the best technology is the recipe for an excellent result. This is how Inmaquip carries out its work.
Safety: At Inmaquip safety comes first. Not only for our people but also for our clients and third parties; as well as the surrounding assets. Our staff has personal protection equipment according to the activities they will carry out, thus safeguarding their integrity.
In addition, Inmaquip has all the corresponding policies to ensure that our clients feel confident about working with a first-rate company.
We must take into account the moments in which we live in this new reality, which leads us to be stricter in the personal protection of our human team and clients. This is why Inmaquip has measures to mitigate the spread of Covid 19 . We have created our internal biosecurity protocol that brings together the recommendations made by health entities in the different countries where we operate.
All these measures have the intention are part of the aggregate values ​​that represents working as Inmaquip.